We wanted to discover if users were planning to use Qube Money to help them save for Christmas. We heard from four customers who told us how they planned to save for Christmas this year.

With Christmas right around the corner, there’s not much time left. However, it’s never too late to start saving money for things in 20201.

Here’s what four customers had to say.

Aside from Christmas in general, is there anything specific you’re saving for?

Steven Rice:

My wife and I are using Qube to save for several things:

  • 8 different yearly subscriptions
  • Emergency savings for tight spots
  • Home improvement projects
  • Kids school tuition. 

Lynette Diaz

We’re using Qube Money to save for:

  • Home maintenance/repairs
  • Travel
  • Birthdays/Christmas/Gifts
  • Continuing Education Courses
  • Concerts & Ticketed Events

Matthew P. Kerle

I’m actually planning on having quite a few savings Qube’s.

Who are you saving for?

Steven Rice:

We are saving for everyone’s Christmas presents this year using Qube to keep that money safe! 

Lynette Diaz

Everyone, family, kids, parents/loved ones.

Matthew P. Kerle

Kids, spouse, parents, siblings, S/O’s of siblings.

How much are you planning to save?

Steven Rice:

We are saving up to $500 for Christmas presents this year. Thousands of dollars for everything else we save for. 

Lynette Diaz

Each category is different, but these are larger savings categories at least $1000 in each. 

Matthew P. Kerle

I think about $3,000 a year, but that includes birthdays for all of the above too.

How are you planning to save?

Steven Rice:

Qube is amazing for allowing me to create specific qubes for all my savings needs, one for Christmas, a Qube for each annual subscription, auto fees and titles, a different Qube for emergency savings, school tuition, etc. 

Lynette Diaz

My initial thought was to create qubes that act like “sinking funds” for the aforementioned categories and setting aside a monthly amount towards those funds. Like $50/month for Christmas, $100/month or Travel. 

Matthew P. Kerle

We are going to create a Qube for birthdays, and a Qube for Christmas that draws money each month.

Latvia Baxter

I am way late on saving for Christmas so I am just trying to save $300 for this year and it will be for Christmas dinner and gifts for my family.


While everyone’s plan to save money for Christmas and other things is different, the goal is the same. Qube Money makes it easy to save for the things that are important in your life.

Get started saving today!

Saving for Christmas | Qube Money
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