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Top 7 frequently asked questions about Qube Money

Choosing a budgeting app can be like choosing a new shampoo, hard and confusing. Do you stick to what you know? Do you branch out? And how do you know what will work best in the long-run? We took 7 of the most frequently asked questions so you can get accurate information about Qube Money in one place. Let’s get started!
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Does the app offer a user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation that makes it easy to track and manage my expenses?

Qube Money’s design and interface makes the app as easy to use as a toaster, just with more functionality! The app comes with tutorials to easily walk you through getting started! The Help Center can also help you find answers to hundreds of questions and get support.

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What budgeting features does the app provide, such as expense categorization, goal setting, and automatic transaction syncing?

Here’s a list of features that are included with our Premium Plan:

  • Peer-to-Peer Transfers
  • Subscription Controls
  • Fraud protection
  • Virtual Debit Card and account numbers for Bill Qubes
  • 10 Qubes
  • Payday 2 Days Early
  • Apple and Google Pay
  • Joint Account option with Partner Notifications
  • Scheduled Recurring Transfers
  • Monthly Reports
  • Unlimited spending categories

Whew, that’s a long list! Read more about our different plans here.

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Can I connect my bank accounts and credit cards to the app to easily track and analyze my financial transactions?

Qube Money is partnered with Choice Financial, an FDIC insured bank. This partnership allowed users to combine banking and budgeting as never before. Users open a bank account and receive a debit card in the mail and have the opportunity to link bank accounts to their Qube Money account to transfer funds in and out of the account.

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Does the app provide insightful visualizations, reports, and graphs to help me understand my spending habits and identify areas for improvement?

Qube Money gives users access to a monthly spending report based on their plan. There’s no more need of living in the dark anymore.

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Is the app compatible with multiple devices and platforms, such as smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, allowing me to access and update my budget anytime, anywhere?


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Does the app offer budgeting tools and features tailored to my specific needs and financial goals, such as debt payoff calculators or savings goal trackers?

While debt payoff calculators are not yet added, savings trackers are! Qube Money released a feature called Goal Qubes; where users are able to set a specific goal for any area; travel, a new car, shopping spree, new house, you name it! The technology allows users to easily save for their goals. Read more here.

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What security measures does the app have in place to protect my financial data and ensure the privacy of my personal information?

Qube Money does not sell or share users’ personal information. Also, the Qube Money Visa debit card has a default $0 balance. This means if you lose your Qube Card, no one can access your money without opening your Qube Money app from your phone. In addition, the money in your Qube Money account is FDIC insured up to $250,000 by our sponsor bank, Choice Financial Group.

With all of this information, the budgeting app world is your oyster! If you see questions that weren’t answered, click here to get in touch with our wonderful customer support team.